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GATE Signature and Photo related issues

Q1. Whatever I do I’m not able to upload my signature. I’m following all the instructions and criteria specified. How do I do?
It seems to have worked for a lot of candidates. Please check again the format you are trying to upload.
You may use this example format to upload your signature. You can cut and paste into this file and please do not resize.

Q2. have uploaded a photo with dark background. Is its fine?
Please wait. During scrutiny of your application we would check your photo. If the photo you have uploaded is not acceptable then you will get an email/SMS. You can then correct the photograph and other details as requested.
You may use this example format to upload your photo. You can cut and paste into this file and please do not resize.

Q3. When I download my application, my photo or signature is distorted.

Please don’t worry. This may be a download problem. Most probably, your photo and signature are captured correctly in our system. If not, we shall contact you after scrutiny. Every application is Scrutinized.


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